Leibster Award?!?!

I’ve received the Liebster Blogger Award, which is an award discovering new and promising blogs!


A huge shout out to Hannah from Wordsmith Observations for the nomination!  Be sure to check out her blog for some intriguing and thought-provoking posts from a promising young writer.


Here are the questions she posed:

What made you pursue writing?

I don’t really consider myself a writer, per se.  I started my blog for something to do while I’m stuck on the couch with a nursing/sleeping baby!  I have a lot of thoughts and ideas throughout the day, and I figured someone might be interested.  I had been toying with the idea for quite awhile, but my brother-in-law recently helped resurrect my old laptop, which ultimately made this possible.

What is the most important event/events that have grown you into the person that you are today?

One of the most important things would have to be working as a waitress.  I was always an introvert, so when I first started at that job 9 years ago the most difficult thing for me was going up to tables and talking to people.  I was never one to initiate conversations with people I didn’t know and it forced me to come out of my shell.

Describe yourself in one sentence.

I am a stay at home mom who just likes to be creative.

If you could meet with anyone past or present who would it be and why?

Gifford Pinchot.  He was a pioneer in natural resources conservation and management.

What are five principles that you try to live your life by?

If something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
Be Honest.
Be Efficient.
Don’t be wasteful.
Never stop learning.

If you could pack up and live anywhere in the world for a year, where would you live and why?

I’m not a big traveler, I’d probably go to Alaska.  Quite frankly, I’d just want to try my hand at growing giant vegetables.

Who are your favorite authors? Why do you like their work so much?

I don’t read a lot of books for leisure, so I don’t have a particular favorite. I read either nonfiction or tend towards books about nature. Although one that stands out is Michael Perry. He is a local writer that writes about small town life, so his writing is very relatable for me.

If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?


What do you love to do in your free time?

If I had enough free time I’d do more quilting.

What would you say is your biggest down fall?

I’m very picky about how I want things done.

What would you say is your best attribute?

I think outside the box.  Sometimes way outside the box.

11 random facts

I’m originally from Minnesota.
I have a B.S. degree in Fisheries Management and an MBA.
I’ve become a huge NASCAR fan.
I’ve never been on an airplane.
Today is my birthday.
I absolutely can not sleep through thunderstorms.
I don’t like raw tomatoes by themselves (they have to be finely chopped and in something).
Snakes creep me out.
I haven’t lived anywhere with pizza delivery since 2005.
I’ve never baked a pie at home.
I don’t like squash.

My nominations!

Sorry I don’t have 11, most of the blogs I follow have just over 200 followers.  These are some people that fit the criteria that I’ve been following for the past few weeks since I started my blogging “career” that I think are pretty awesome.  I’d say more about each one individually, but my toddler is trying to stick plastic letters in the USB ports of my laptop, so my time is limited.  I’ll just say you guys all rock, I love reading your posts, keep up the good work!

Be sure to check them out!











Here are your questions:

Describe yourself in 7 words or less.
Name 5 items you can’t live without.
What era of history intrigues you the most and why?
If you had to choose a mascot for yourself, what would it be and why?
Describe your biggest cooking disaster.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What household chore do you despise the most?
What advice would you give your 16 year old self?
If money, location, education, etc. was not a barrier, what would your dream job be?
What is your favorite breakfast food?


10 thoughts on “Leibster Award?!?!

  1. Thank you so much for saying I “rock” (not 100% sure it was meant for me… but I am letting my self think that cause it made my day)… I think you have some great questions and will try to answer these…

    by the way… love your blog… and can relate to “wanting to grow Giant Vegetables”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Figured I’d do a little reading on my lunch break! Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day and do all kinds of things you like! Thank you so much for the nomination! I love your blog as well! Your toddler sounds like my 5 year old! It only gets better! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kim I’m so sorry I missed this! Thanks so much! I was scrolling through your posts trying to find your recipe for buns and saw this post. I’ll be sure to do this. I also selected you for an award. But it’s totally cool if you don’t do it lol

    Liked by 1 person

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